
DS050: Had to knock something up real quick. Boolean transform in Eevee. Whole thing looks like a video game from 10 years ago. Not happy tbh.

Super brief today. I did read some stuff but it was terribly boring and I won’t waste your time like it did mine.


Natalie and I did a live event on Sunday for Peckham Digital. The first time I’ve stood in a room with an audience for about two years and it was really great. We of course rattled on about our usual stuff – haunting this, futures that – but had some great discussions and questions from a great group of folks. It made me feel a little more confident about doing live events again.

Also, I wrote a little piece for Dirty Furniture about the connection between necromancy and phones for their new issue. It’s out on pre-order now. The issue also features Crystal Bennes, Jay Owens, Disnovation and a bunch more.

Short Stuff

  • Computing during collapse and sustainable security. What happens if the infrastructures that support computing go under; Unplanned Obsolescence.
  • Pixel: A Biography. The crux of the argument on this history of the pixel is that the pixel is a mathematical, 0-dimension thing that can’t be seen and that the little glowing squares on your screen are actually ‘display elements’ which if I follow the same logic, would be ‘dixels.’ I’m not super convinced by this level of pedantry or Alvy Ray Smith’s general patronising tone (which I suppose he’s earned) but it is an illuminating and thorough history.
  • Ahmed Ansari’s opening keynote at DHS. I keep reading it in snippets. The equivalent of watching Twin Peaks on my phone over ten years.

Ok, love you, see you next time.