
DS036: Took an old scene and just decided to run a massive fluid simulation in it at 1500 resolution. Took like four days to run the calculation and just isn’t that good. I think it went out the upper-bounds of good fluid simulation. I think I wrote about this somewhere – you don’t get closer to more accurate fluid by increasing computation, rather, the software is designed to work with a certain poetic distance with relatively low resolution. What’s a good metaphor? Like; holding something really close to your face doesn’t make it more realistic. Putting it in the right context, with good composition and lighting does. Also true for rendering software.

At least the warmth is bleeding in through the crack in the sky.

Well, I finally finished and uploaded that lecture. That thing had been haunting me. I’m not entirely happy with it; it’s not such a linear story to connect AI, imaginaries and social fictions – they sort of mutually feed into each other. I’ve been gnawing over the same thing in PhD work. With both text and video you’re tied into a linear narrative. Without a neat historical trail or clear cause and effect it’s really hard to sort of lead people through your thinking. I also didn’t have time to put in all the gags I wanted to, video production is hard and very hard on your own. Anyway, it’s out there and I’ve done it and now I will keep learning.

It’s been nice seeing people start to mix with the format of talks. I mentioned some last time from Crystal and George but I guess it’s a thing now. Festivals and events have been dying off for a while and I’ve always seen talks as a way to try out talking through ideas so it’s nice to see that that aspect of it is still alive and kicking. Just not again for a while please. Anyway, amidst this I had to pull out a project that I was excited about. It was a really difficult decision but I just don’t have the time to make something really good and I’m so exhausted. I need a break.

We’re firmly in ‘silly-season.’ This is a period around the end of the academic year where people (including me) are short-tempered, rushed and sensitive. Students would usually start doing things like leaving laptops on busses and falling out with each other but I guess semi-online life at least avoids some of those issues. Still, a lot of the things I’ve dealt with in the last week or two have been silly-season phenomena. It’s all spurred by the approaching end of the year, the closing in deadlines and anxiety about what’s next. Like a universal cycle. Then September opens up and it all feels like spring – full of possibility and opportunity until the walls start closing in again around November and we do it all over again and again and again. Golly, you’re insightful, Revell.

Short stuff

  • Owen said I should watch Devs and said he will be keeping an eye on me to make sure I do. I am still rewatching Westworld and by principle will only watch one thing at once. I’ll get to it, Owen, I promise.
  • I twittered this paper because it’s such a succinct breakdown of the fallacies of AI research coming on the back of me finishing a lecture about hype in AI. As usual, my timing is way off. Francis did point out that although it contains references to some of the ‘greats’ in AI research it fails to mention the work of a lot of critical practitioners, challenging the story of AI.
  • Flight Simulator 5 continues to be interesting. As you know, it renders the world from semi-live mapping, GIS and meteorological data. So how does it treat conflict zones or areas censored in maps? Vaguely it seems.
  • Here I am talking about Alan’s exhibition that opens next week and I am going to see again! That’s something to be excited about.

I know these haven’t been very good recently. It is very hard to keep a balance of Excel sheets, hair-pulling and things I actually want to do and I like to think I’m pretty disciplined; that I live a life structured around targets and goals, just the incredibly tedious RPG of my life. I guess the nature of biopolitics is that you’re never good enough to please all your targets. Bring on the transhuman revolution, I say. I wanna be that goat and eat grass all day.

Love you, see you next time.