
DS022: More photo captures hoisted by my recurring addiction to the sumptuous qualities of Cycles.

It’s soupy out there. The air looks thick and grey.

I really don’t have time today. Blender crashed in the middle of the night and dropped a load of frames so I had to spend the morning going back to patch it up. There’s several stages to producing these things and though that pipeline’s getting smoother, an error at any point is a goddamn annoyance. I did another ‘making of’ for Instagram which I like doing, helps me think about it too.

MF DOOM has been on repeat for coming up to two weeks now through the early morning starts, the cascading windows of Word documents and Excel sheets. I cracked the spine on Bifo’s new book last night and I might as well have been trying to read cuneiform for how quickly my brain reverts to admin mode. I’ll get back to a good balance shortly of being able to read and think again.

I’m sorry, I wish I had more for you. Love, you speak to you next week if not before.